Main Page

From APC Writer's Wiki
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Article ideas

Ideas.jpg In this page we drop all those good ideas that we have for future articles. Check out our ideas!


Doc.jpg What is

This page is designed to tell you who is and to show you where the website sits in relation to other websites of the Association for Progressive Communications.

Doc.jpg's manifesto: What we do and why

This document aims to give a concise overview of what drives and the editorial principles by which it operates.

Doc.jpg Our code of ethics

The aim of this document is to provide a clear understanding of the ethical responsibilities of those who write for the website, whether authors of articles or those leaving comments.

Audience.jpg Who does speak to

Here you will find an overview of our main audiences and an explanation of why they are relevant for us.

Team.jpg editorial team

Here you will find names, definition of roles, contact details and guidance on who to talk to about all that relates to

Introducing APCNews

Doc.jpg What is APCNews

This page is designed to tell you who APCNews is and to show you where the content produced for APCNews sits in relation to other websites of the Association for Progressive Communications.

Doc.jpg Editorial policy

APCNews editorial policy establishes the focus of interest, values, language and other standards that information produced by the APC must follow.

Audience.jpg Who does APCNews speak to

Here you will find an overview of our main audiences and an explanation of why they are relevant for us.

Team.jpg APCNews editorial team

Here you will find names, definition of roles, contact details and guidance on who to talk to about all that relates to APCNews.

Orientation for new writers and editors

Tool.jpg Orientation to

Starting as a writer in You must have lots of questions on the procedures and expectations, so we put together this page to orientate you in this process.

Tool.jpg Orientation to APCNews

Starting as a writer in APCNews? You must have lots of questions on the procedures and expectations, so we put together this page to orientate you in this process.

Tool.jpg How to write for

This page provides an introduction on how to write the different types of articles that appear on

Style.jpg A guide for new editors

This is a series of guides to help editors new to and APCNews to understand the priorities for the sites and provide a quick reference to important documents that you may need in your work.

FAQ.jpg Frequently asked questions

Here are many of the questions our writers have raised before, and we answer them for you in case you share them.

Tool.jpg TOR Columnist

Our columnists are carefully selected for their knowledge and writing. Here are terms of reference for column writing for

Resources and references

Notes.jpg Meetings and notes

This is a repository of all editorial meeting notes and a calendar of upcoming meetings.

Style.jpg Style guide

This page gives advice and guidelines on the technicalities of writing for both and APCNews.

Style.jpg Reference guide

APCNews, including, follows an adapted version of the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing. Here you will find useful reminders and examples on how to apply it.

Style.jpg Writing English texts for a multilingual audience

Here you will find some do’s and dont's for native and near-native English language writers

Audio.jpg How to work with audio

The aim of this guide is to offer information and resources that will provide a road-map for those new to the medium of audio, while also providing quick links and reference for those with some experience who want a refresher on particular topics or questions.

Video.jpg How to work with video

The aim of this guide is to offer information and resources that will provide a road-map for those new to the medium of video, while also providing quick links and reference for those with some experience who want a refresher on particular topics or questions.

Photo.jpg How to work with images

The aim of this guide is to offer information and resources that will help provide technical tips on how to take a good photograph, while also providing quick links and reference for those with some experience who want a refresher on particular topics or questions.

Aid.jpg How to deal with vulnerable interviewees

This guide contains resources and important considerations to be put in place when conducting interviews, particularly with survivors of violence and sexual harassment.

Coverage.jpg General orientation for events coverage and APCNews have been recognised for the coverage done in events by readers and writers, becoming one of its substantial outputs. Here you will find a guide on how to proceed during an event coverage.

Security.jpg Secure online communications

Security is an important issue for us. As The Lorax say in the Dr Seuss film “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Here you will find APC's secure online communications policy on how to keep yourself safe, and the people you work with.

Far.jpg Closer than ever

We are far away, but working close. This section will help you understand how we develop our work being in different parts of the world and rarely seeing our colleagues face-to-face.

link= Glossary Glossary

The APC glossary is a work-in-progress one. All the terms that are in the glossary appear highlighted throughout the website, with a link to its definition. So it’s a tool both for language workers and for the general public. If you feel that a new term should be added, please write to

Photo.jpg Picture gallery

Looking for images to illustrate your material? Or just curious to see some of the team members at work? Then this is the place!